These tacos in a jar are a great idea for short trips when you want to hand out pre-portioned meal serves, or quick-to-distribute appetizers, plus they look pretty cool.
The elements are the same as you would find in any sort of Tex-Mex style taco, meat, and salad. Using leftover chili also works well.
Off the shelf packet mix flavor combinations can be used or you can use your favorite recipe. Also, the salad and condiment elements can be altered to personal taste, like maybe adding a salsa or guacamole.
Taco in a Jar Recipe
- 2 cups corn chips
- 2 cups taco seasoned beef
- 1 cup shredded cheese of choice
- 2 tomatoes diced
- 2 handfuls lettuce sliced
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 6 jars
- Cook the meat element as per its directions.
- In clean and dry jars ad the ingredients in layers. Corn chips, meat, cheese, tomato, lettuce, and sour cream.
- Store carefully and eat within 2 hours.
Nutritional Information
More Taco Recipes
Camp Cooking
Taco in a Bag
BBQ Grilled Meat
Flank Steak Tacos